03 enero 2019

en inglesssss

Starting last Saturday the postal company of Manicaragua, began the distribution of the tabloid of the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba.

A total of 18,200 tabloids were received in the mountainous municipality on the 12th, of which 200 copies were sold for the value of one peso in national currency in the municipal capital, while the figure added to the sales of the rest of the units amounts to more than 900 tabloids, explained Elba Rodríguez Martínez, head of the mail press in Manicaragua.

It is also planned to distribute by agencies and entities in correspondence with the request made by them to deliver their workers, among which is the Directorate of Culture, Municipal Education, the Labor Body, the Municipal Committee of the party, the government and the electoral college.

Rodriguez Martinez also expressed: "The sale has been very good, in the morning today we had already sold 600 tabloids here in Manicaragua. I hope that in the other units they have sold around 200 to 300 units. Tomorrow we will see the part, as it has followed¨.

The daily control that exists on the sales allows to know not only the existence of copies in the different communities or the access to the population of the same but that in turn represents to a great extent the interest of the people to be reflected in the new law of laws, decisive knowledge when exercising the vote.

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